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Hoteleeeeer, day-zen


The article does not claim to solve problems or criticize the hotel market. It will be about the bell and the restructuring, especially in the brains of hoteliers, if they have not yet rebuilt and have not learned to keep up with the times.

Нестандартные идеи и решения отелей

 You know perfectly well that this version of development does not guarantee sweets, business must work ahead. The market has changed, gold bars and extra shine have gone, adequacy has come in everything: in minds, prices, conditions, and the market will continue to form rapidly. The hotelier needs to understand that business in all industries has changed and that there are now other selection criteria. Take the example of housing construction. Previously, the delta between the primary and secondary was insignificant, because the primary, except for the name of the new home, did not create anything good. At present, most of the buildings are not single, but quarterly buildings, which provide people with infrastructure, large halls with 2-3 elevators, proper rational planning, autonomous heating, hidden central ventilation ducts and air conditioning compartments, also use modern construction technologies during construction and etc., which allowed development to jump to a new price level, and people are willing to pay for it! On the example of hotels or restaurants: it is necessary to create conditions not only for the guest, but also for the employee. The scheme "satisfied guest, satisfied employee" will not work☺ Employees at a distance should live in hotels in comfortable conditions with the division of m / f and the hierarchy of management, and not in barracks for 8-10 people, which we actually recorded everywhere. It is necessary when creating or upgrading a hotel to take into account new technologies and needs of modern man. So, your hotel should have a complex of necessary and usability services that you could detain the guest as much as possible; use design engineering, maxi automate services, standardize processes and train employees.

Finally, an example from life. In 2010, I opened my own Ukrainian restaurant "Swati" on the Rusanov embankment in Kiev, focused on tourists and events, wrapping it with all sorts of Ukrainian retro paraphernalia, including an authentic cart, stove and boulders. Leaving the restaurant, a well-groomed grandmother came up to me and said that she often sees me here and, probably, I am the owner. After making sure, in a semi-commanding tone, she asked me to remove this ridicule from the embankment and from sight, because Ukrainians have not ridden in carts for a long time!

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